City Departments
Mayor's Office
13 East Military Road (next door to City Hall)
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Phone: 870.739.6041

Tracy Brick
Animal Control
1001 L H Polk Street
Office Hours
Open to the public
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Closed Sunday
Phone: 870.739.5412
After Hours: 870.739.2101
The Animal Shelter collaborates with volunteers to handle the impoundment of stray animals posing a threat to individuals or other animals. Additionally, they extend canine and feline adoption services. Approved volunteers are warmly welcomed to assist with shelter activities or events. The shelter exclusively serves the immediate Marion city limits area. For more details and information on pets available for adoption, please visit their Facebook page.

Becky Blundell
City Hall and Planning and
Community Development Department
31 East Military Road
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Phone: 870.739.5410
City Hall manages various municipal functions, including handling inquiries, collecting A&P and business license taxes, issuing beer and liquor licenses, distributing city trash containers, and receiving reports of city street light outages.
Situated within City Hall, the Department of Community Development is responsible for diverse tasks such as city planning (refer to Planning Commission details below) and permitting. This department issues permits for commercial and residential construction, encompassing new builds or renovations, as well as permits for demolition, driveways, electrical work, fences, HVAC systems, plumbing/gas installations, roofing, signs, slabs, sprinklers, storage, and swimming pools. Building-related permits can be downloaded from the department's website. Furthermore, the department handles yard sale permits and issues privilege licenses for both storefront and in-home businesses. The staff also accepts reports regarding street light outages. The City Hall / Community Development Department is staffed by two full-time employees and one part-time employee.

Freddie Thorne, III
Economic Development Department
13 East Military Road
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Phone: 870.739.6410
At the Economic Development Department, our mission is to foster sustainable growth, attract businesses, and enhance the overall prosperity of our community.
We are committed to creating a vibrant economic landscape, promoting job creation, and supporting local businesses through strategic initiatives and collaborative partnerships. With a focus on innovation, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility, we aim to build a resilient and prosperous Marion for current and future generations.

Beth Wilson
Fire Department
*364 East Military Road
*777 Carter Drive
*460 Marion Lake Road
Phone: 870.739.4127
(For emergencies, please call 911)

Woody Wheeless
Fire Chief
Parks and Recreation
3821 Complex Drive
Director: Andy Rawls
Phone: 870.739.5424
The Marion Parks Department manages all city-owned public parks, with a year-round staff consisting of three full-time employees and one part-time employee. Additional seasonal part-time staff is also employed during the spring, summer, and fall. Moreover, the recreational complex is available for baseball and softball tournaments, and the pavilion is open for rental purposes.

Andy Rawls
Planning Commission
31 East Military Road
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Director: Freddie Thorne, III
Phone: 870.739.5410
Cell Phone: 870.771.5230
While not formally designated as a city department, the Marion Planning Commission plays a crucial role in the City of Marion. The Commission is dedicated to facilitating the systematic expansion of residential, commercial, and industrial developments within and around the city. To achieve this objective, the Commission is entrusted with the development and administration of key planning documents, including the Marion Long-Range Comprehensive Plan, the Marion Zoning Ordinance, and the Marion Land Subdivision & Development Code. In its capacity as the Marion Board of Adjustment, the Planning Commission convenes to consider and decide on requests for variances from the provisions outlined in the Marion Zoning Ordinance.
Monthly Meetings
1st Tuesday of each month
6:00 pm
14 East Military Road
Contact Freddie Thorne to submit a request for presentation.
Commission Board
Jeff Johnston, Chairman
Dianna Hicks, Vice-Chairwoman
Cliff Wood
Taylor Guy
Greg Brinkley
Donnaire Grainger
Debbie Reginelli
Mayor Tracy Brick
Freddie Thorne, Secretary and non-voting member
Police Department
3477 AR-77
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Phone: 870.739.2101
Emergency: 911
The Marion Police Department has a workforce of 29 full-time officers, including two school resource officers, along with one receptionist, one secretary, and an additional six part-time officers. Additionally, the department oversees two school crossing guards and three animal control officers.

Brannon Hinkle
Police Chief
Public Works Department
Street Maintenance & Repair, Sanitation,
and City Shop
Phone: 870.732.5419
Trash Pick-Up Issues
The Public Works Department's crews are in charge of collecting and disposing of household garbage, trash like limbs and leaves, and managing recycling efforts. Additionally, this department handles various essential responsibilities to ensure the city's smooth operation, including cleaning culverts and ditches, mowing, street repairs, street lighting, street signage, and various general maintenance tasks. The Public Works Department employs both full-time and seasonal staff members to carry out these duties.

Steve Johnson
Water & Sewer Department
310 Judge Smith Drive
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Phone: 870.739.3073
Qualified on-call employees are available to provide immediate assistance 24/7 for emergency services beyond regular business hours. To access these services, please call 870.739.3073 after regular business hours. The designated after-hours number will be provided to you during the call.

Scott Marshall